Semifinished Ice cream display counters
€2,346.00 Senza tasse
€2,862.12 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N.2 wells - Reserved - Dimensions cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€2,787.93 Senza tasse
€3,401.28 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N. 4 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 125 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed cockpit - Ventilate - N. 4 wells - cm 125 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€2,854.47 Senza tasse
€3,482.46 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Ventilate - N. 4 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 125 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€3,432.23 Senza tasse
€4,187.33 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N. 6 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 150 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed cockpit - Ventilate - N. 6 wells - cm 150 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€3,659.37 Senza tasse
€4,464.44 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Ventilate - N. 6 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 150 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€3,778.15 Senza tasse
€4,609.35 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - A glycol - N. 2 wells - No reserve - Dimensions cm 50 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream parlor - Reserved - N.4 carapines - cm 75 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€4,135.11 Senza tasse
€5,044.84 Con tasse
Ice cream - Model PANORAMA TUBS - Reserved - N.4 carapines - Dimensions cm 75 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€4,250.58 Senza tasse
€5,185.71 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N. 8 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 175 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€4,327.39 Senza tasse
€5,279.42 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - A glycol - N. 4 wells - No reserve - Dimensions cm 75 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed cockpit - Ventilate - N. 8 wells - cm 175 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€4,363.89 Senza tasse
€5,323.95 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Ventilate - N. 8 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 175 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed well - N. 4 wells - With reserve - cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€4,606.88 Senza tasse
€5,620.40 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - N. 4 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream shop - No reserve - N.4 carapines - cm 75 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€4,790.97 Senza tasse
€5,844.99 Con tasse
Ice cream parlor - Model PANORAMA TUBS - No reserve - N.4 carapines - Dimensions cm 75 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€4,800.10 Senza tasse
€5,856.12 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N. 10 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 200 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed cockpit - Ventilate - N. 10 wells - cm 200 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€4,866.51 Senza tasse
€5,937.15 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Ventilate - N. 10 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 200 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream parlor - Reserved - N.6 carapines - cm 100 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€4,958.80 Senza tasse
€6,049.74 Con tasse
Ice cream - Model PANORAMA TUBS - Reserved - N.6 carapines - Dimensions cm 100 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed well - A glycol - N. 4 wells - With reserve - cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€5,018.93 Senza tasse
€6,123.10 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - A glycol - N. 4 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€5,148.95 Senza tasse
€6,281.72 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - A glycol - N. 6 wells - Without reserve - Dimensions cm 100 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream parlor - Reserved - N.4 carapines - cm 125 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€5,231.08 Senza tasse
€6,381.92 Con tasse
Ice cream - Model PANORAMA TUBS - Reserved - N.4 carapines - Dimensions cm 125 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed well - N. 6 wells - With reserve - cm 150 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€5,389.99 Senza tasse
€6,575.79 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - N. 6 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 150 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€5,414.20 Senza tasse
€6,605.32 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Static - N. 12 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 225 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Ice cream counters
Recessed cockpit - Ventilate - N. 12 wells - cm 225 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
€5,580.95 Senza tasse
€6,808.76 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - Ventilate - N. 12 wells - With reserve - Dimensions cm 225 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream shop - No reserve - N.6 carapines - cm 100 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€5,664.15 Senza tasse
€6,910.27 Con tasse
Ice cream parlor - Model PANORAMA TUBS - No reserve - N.6 carapines - Dimensions cm 100 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€5,957.63 Senza tasse
€7,268.31 Con tasse
Recessed well - Stainless steel - A glycol - N. 8 wells - Without reserve - Dimensions cm 125 x 68.8 x 95.1 h
Semifinished Ice cream display counters
Ice cream parlor - Reserved - N.6 carapines - cm 150 x 72.8 x 95.1 h
€6,042.27 Senza tasse
€7,371.58 Con tasse
Ice cream - Model PANORAMA TUBS - Reserved - N.6 carapines - Dimensions cm 150 x 72.8 x 95.1 h